Saturday, February 23, 2008

Almost Heroes

Plot Summary: Explorers Bartholemew Hunt and Leslie Edwards are setting forth against nature across the country on a journey to the Pacific Ocean against rivals Lewis and Clark. Along the way they have many mishaps and misfortunes.

Carter Review: Stupid, stupid, stupid funny. It's just that type of humor. Definitely got some good quotes: "You do know that she was made of straw, don't you." "Ah yes sir, I figure that's why she burned so easy." Or, "I don't know what's worse, the bear or my itchy nose....The bear is worse, the bear is definitely worse" (said screaming as he's being dragged off by a bear). I believe this was Chris Farley's last leading role and his face when trying to get an eagle's egg is classic. That alone is worth the trip. But be cautious of a bathing scene with bare backsides.

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